Travelling with your Point & Shoot Camera

May 02, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Most people like to travel and most people like to take pictures while they are travelling.  For most people a simple point and shoot camera is sufficient for their needs.  I cannot help but laugh when I say “simple point and shoot camera”, because hardly any new technology, especially cameras, are simple any more.  However, most everyone is able to manage a point and shoot camera with a quick perusal of the manual.  More and more people today are dispensing with cameras all together and using their smart phones.  While smart phone cameras are getting better all the time, I personally don’t feel they can give you the creative control that a DSLR or even a point and shoot camera can provide.  But it is true that having ANY camera is better than no camera.  That being said, there are some things to think about when you are taking photos with your point and shoot camera on your next trip.

Number 1 is that you should always take the camera with you when possible.  I can almost guarantee that you will have a never to be repeated moment, if you don’t have the camera with you.  And you should keep it out of the camera bag when possible.  Time and time again, I have seen things and thought, “Dang, I missed it because the camera is in the trunk!”  Another thing to remember is to always have extra batteries.  Nothing is more frustrating than having the camera die while you are taking photos or video of your grandchildren swimming with dolphins, or whatever wonderful experience you are having. 

It is also important to have the camera on the right settings.  So remember to turn it back to auto after you switched it to video your son sliding down the waterslide.   If you want to get creative and use other settings, that’s fine, but many shots can be missed while you try to adjust your settings.  If you keep it in Auto it will be ready to grab that once-in-a-lifetime shot that happens in a matter of seconds.           

These are just a few ideas to keep in mind as you take your next trip.  Happy trails and Keep Shooting! 


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